

AIMÉ CÉSAIRE (1913 - 2008)

9 pictures

Location: Le Promenade Aimé Césaire, La Ville du Diamant, Martinique
Maker: Thybel (Thierry Bellemare)
Established: 2013, at the occasion of the 100th birthday
All photos: Vera Seppion, June 2024

Bibliothèque Aimé Césaire, Rue Félix Eboué 7, Les Anses-d'Arlet, Martinique

Théâtre Aimé Césaire, Rue Victor-Sévère 116, Fort-de-France, Martinique


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry


PIET PAALTJENS (ps. of François Haverschmidt, 1835 - 1894)

8 pictures

Location: Corner Westerplantage/Boterhoek, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Maker: Jentsje Popma. Established 1986
Offered by real estate agency F. Popma Lzn
Photos: © Albert Hagenaars, 3 November 2012

Location: Lange Haven 134, Schiedam, The Netherlands
Status: the house where the poet lived in the period 1864-1894
Also in both pictures poet Anton Korteweg
Photos: © Albert Hagenaars, 22 August 2023

Location: Oude Sluis 6, Schiedam, The Netherlands
Poem: Dat Heertje
Established: 28 October 2017
Initiated by: De Bibliotheek Schiedam
Commissioned by: Gemeente Schiedam
Design: Skizzie
Realization: Mineur Reclame
Photo: © Albert Hagenaars, 22 August 2023


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry


ADRIAEN VALERIUS (ca 1572-1625)

9 pictures

Location: Kerkstraat (also Goese Korenmarkt), Veere, The Netherlands
Maker: Mari Andriessen
Established: 1979
Photos: Albert Hagenaars, 14 July 2024

This photo and the next two: Sonn Franken, 11 May 2024

Location: Beursplein, Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands
Maker: information will follow
Established: information will follow
Photos: Albert Hagenaars, 23 June 2024


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry



3 pictures

Location: Marcel Habetslaan 50, Genk, Flanders
Design: Name will follow
Text: We are from here for we come from far to be from here
Established: Still unknown
Photos: Albert Hagenaars, 29 March 2024


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry


3 pictures Location: Sint-Margaretastraat (Begijnhof), Lier, Flanders Design: Name will follow Established: Still...