
HUGO BALL (1886 - 1927)

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Location: Romano-Guardini-Platz, Mainz, Germany.
Photos: © Albert Hagenaars, 7 February 2016.
Established by: Deutsches Kabarettarchiv, Forum Theater, The town of Mainz, 2004.

In the German town of Mainz, the project 'Stars of Satire' intends to honour the "Besonderen unter den Ausgezeichneten" in the field of cabaret. It consists of bronze tiles with names of the artists on Romano-Guardini-Platz. This square, called after priest and theologian Romano Guardini, is located between the German Cabaret Archives and the Forum Theatre. The signatures of eighty nominees have been engraved in stainless steel.
With this project the initiators want to remember the personalities who, as writers or performers in international cabaret, have animated the artistic process of their genre or participated otherwise in its history, from the foundation of the first cabaret, Le Chat Noir in Paris, on. Supported by founders and sponsors they pay respect to satirists and artists, some of them still alive, whose achievements have proven to be probing enough to keep influencing people all over the world.

Also see: www.schrijversbeelden.nl

JOZEF CORNELIUS (1849 - 1943)

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Location: Schängelbrunnen, Rathaushof, Koblenz, Germany.
Photos: © Albert Hagenaars and Siti Wahyuningsih, 9 February 2016.

The Schängelbrunnen itself.

Portrait of Karl Kraehmer, composer of the Schängellied (words by Jozef Cornelius), which has become the most popular hymn of Koblenz.

Also see: www.schrijversbeelden.nl



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Location: Garden Literary Faculty, Erasmusplein, Leuven, Flanders.
Photo: © Albert Hagenaars, 6 September 2014.

Literary Garden (1994). The vegetal poetry in this garden dedicated to language and literature refers to the character of the faculty and also invites to repose in the richness of Erasmus Garden. Established, with support of the Cultural Commission, by the teaching staff at the occasion of the centenary celebration of 'Germanic Languages'. Based upon an idea by Mr. Willy Smedts.

The entrance of Erasmushuis. The sculpture 'Falling horse' (1989) was realized by Rik Poot (1924 - 2006) at the occasion of the exhibition 'Beeld na beeld', meaning 'Image after image' but also 'Sculpture after sculpture'!

Also see: www.schrijversbeelden.nl


5 pictures Location: Arcos de la Frontera (downtown area), Spain Maker: Still unknown Established: ? Photos: Ric...