

JACOB CATS (1577 - 1660)

14 pictures

Location (of this copy in bronze): Market Square, Brouwershaven, The Netherlands.
Maker: Philippe Parmentier (1787 - 1851) is the maker of the original statue in stone, established in 1829 (to be found in St.-Nicholas Church in Brouwershaven).
Photo: Iman Padmos, 20 September 2011.

Photo: Sonn Franken, 29 May 2020.

Photo: Iman Padmos, 20 September 2011.

Photo: Iman Padmos, 20 September 2011.

Photo: Sonn Franken, 29 may 2020.

Photo: Sonn Franken, 29 may 2020.

Photo: Sonn Franken, 29 may 2020.

Photo: Sonn Franken, 29 may 2020.

Photo: Sonn Franken, 29 may 2020.

An old house on the place where the poet was born, corner of Noordstraat and Kerkslop, Brouwershaven.
This house however, dating from appr. 1820-1830, replaces the original one, which was more modest.
Photo: Iman Padmos, 20 September 2011.

Detail of the picture above.
Maker: ?
Photo: Iman Padmos, 20 September 2011.

Location: Lange Noordstraat 31, Middelburg, The Netherlands.
This is the address where Jacob Cats lived in the periode 1603-1623 and where he began his literary career. Photos: all three by Albert Hagenaars, 26 November 2011.

Detail of the picture above.

Another detail of the picture in question.


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry




5 pictures

Location: Near the intersection of roads N446 and N207, Woubrugge, The Netherlands
Photo: Albert Hagenaars, 8 May 2021

Location: Groot Hertoginnelaan 11, The Hague, The Netherlands
Photo: Ruth van Rossum, 17 September, 2023
Established by ArchipelpoëZie

Location: Beauvoorde, Flanders (name of the exact location will follow)
Established: April 2024, at the occasion of '3 Dorpen, 3 wandelingen' (3 Villages, 3 Walks)
Photos: name will follow


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry



4 pictures

Location: Nottebohmzaal, Erfgoedbibliotheek, Hendrik Conscienceplein, Antwerp, Flanders
Maker: Name will follow
Photo: © Bert Bevers, 12 November 2010

Location: Theaterplatz, Weimar, Germany
Schiller (right) and Goethe
Maker: Ernst Rietschel, 1857
Photo: Albert Hagenaars, 8 May 2007

Location: Schillerplatz, Vienna, Austria
Maker: Johannes Schilling, 1876
Photo: Hans Mellendijk, August 2010


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry


HOMER - Homerus (ca 800 AD - ca 750 AD)

3 pictures

Location: Museum Snijders & Rockoxhuis, Keizerstraat 12, Antwerp, Flanders
Maker: ?
Photo: Bert Bevers, 25 August, 2013

Location: Murmellius Gymnasium, Bergerhout 1, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Maker: Tjipke Visser, 1939
Photo: Siti Wahyuningsih, 8 May 2021


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry


VINCENZO MONTI (1754 - 1828)

2 pictures

Location: Giardino del Pincio, Rome, Italy
Maker: ?
Established: ?
Photos: © Albert Hagenaars, 2 March 2019


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry


2 pictures

Location: Pater Raskinkade, Aarschot, Flanders
Maker: ?
Established: June 2011 ?
Photos: Albert Hagenaars, 15 October 2016

The text reads:
"Wie de stad liefheeft ziet achter elke gevel een mens"

"Who loves the town with all one's heart, will see a fellow man behind each façade"


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

ANTONIO ALEIXO (1899 - 1949)

9 pictures Location: Praça da República 67, Loulé, Portugal The texts can be read on the table Maker: Lagoa Henri...