
HOMER - Homerus (ca 800 AD - ca 750 AD)

3 pictures

Location: Museum Snijders & Rockoxhuis, Keizerstraat 12, Antwerp, Flanders
Maker: ?
Photo: Bert Bevers, 25 August, 2013

Location: Murmellius Gymnasium, Bergerhout 1, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Maker: Tjipke Visser, 1939
Photo: Siti Wahyuningsih, 8 May 2021


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

ANTONIO ALEIXO (1899 - 1949)

9 pictures Location: Praça da República 67, Loulé, Portugal The texts can be read on the table Maker: Lagoa Henri...