
DIRK COSTER (1887 - 1956)

4 pictures

Location: Corner Oude Delft / Boterbrug, Delft, The Netherlands.
Maker: Henk Etienne.
The sculpture was offered by Students' Union Sanctus Vergilius in 1963. Mr. Dirk de Loor, mayor of Delft, unveiled the buste, together with Mrs. Maria Kranendonk, the poet's widow and a poet in her own right.
Photo: © Albert Hagenaars, 17 September 2011.

Location: Voorstraat 101 (the addres where the author lived and worked), Delft, The Netherlands.
Offered by the Willem Kloos-Fonds and the Frans Mortelmans Foundation.
Photo: Albert Hagenaars, 17 September 2011.

Photo: Hugo van Gelderen (ANEFO), 1963.


Also see: www.schrijversbeelden.nl

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ANTONIO ALEIXO (1899 - 1949)

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