
ROBERT BURNS (1759 - 1796)

5 pictures

Location: Victoria Embankment Gardens, London, England
Maker: John Steell
Presented to the city of London by John Gordon Crawford
Established: July 1884
Additional information: A bust based on this statue is situated in Poets' Corner
Photos: Albert Hagenaars, 2 August 2022

The text reads: "The poetic genius of my country found me, as the prophetic bard Elijah did Elishaat the plough, and threw her inspiring mantle over me. She bade me sing the loves, the joys, the rural scenes and rural pleasures of my native soil, in my native tongue; I tuned my wild, artless notes as she inspired.” Edinburgh, 4 April 1787


Also see:
Dutch poetry in Indonesian language, translated by Siti Wahyuningsih and Albert Hagenaars

Poets on poetry

Critical reviews on modern Dutch poetry

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5 pictures Location: Arcos de la Frontera (downtown area), Spain Maker: Still unknown Established: ? Photos: Ric...